Friday, 13 February 2009

More rain than you could shake a koala at.

Hello everyone out there! So yeah, yesterday was a fairly shrt notice trip out to the Blue (not like that) Mountains. So called because of the blue haze given off by the eucalpyus tress in the sun (or some sort of bumpf like that) I couldn't tell you if it was or not though, as it rained for a fair section of the day! So there was a lot fo cloud watching, but in the end it cleared at just the right times and we saw the falls and the three sisters, and the pics will be up on facebook imminently. Had a right old time, tour guide (a Londoner named Cactus?!) was very colourful and everything was "awesome," "amazing" or "I reckon that's pretty cool" we saw some Eastern Grey kangaroos up close, too. At the end of the day we checked in the YHA in Katoomba, Myself and Sarah from the room, and also two guys from the trip, Paul and the welsh wonder Dylan. We chilled out, and saw news highlights of the Germany Norway game on some german channel, then turned over and got an aussie news program, so we tried to hang on until the simpsons came on, caught the Aussie deal or no deal, which is totally naff, the woman totally knackered herself and got some Megaguess crap and walked off with $14000! how's that fair? then some old dude walked in and stuck his chair infront of dylan, who then proceeded to turn the channel over for the simpsons, the old git then decided he wanted to watch the news, so dylan turned back over for the headlines, then asked if he could turn it back to our program and the guy went off on one about how he had a right to watch the tele, which dylan then pointed out we had, Paul and I were trying not to giggle, especially when he said ok, we'll put it to a vote, and the old man declined because "I'm obviously gonna lose, there's more of you" no shit sherlock, welcome to democracy! we then decided screw it, and headed out for Pizza, we were then joined by Sarah and headed to a bar, via a swanky hotel with the same name as the bar we were aiming for. sank a few and came home to the hostel.
today was a total washout, we only went outside for lunch and the bus ride back to wake up. We watched memento, chatted about travel plans and life and stuff, and paul checked in at Wake Up! Sarah's leaving to travel the East coast tomorrow and in her place is a fat bird in the bunk opposite me, something needs to be done. lol well, off out in a bit down to Chez Rob and Becky, for Marie's birthday. could be fun, though the rain at the moment is ridiculous! seriously, I've nto had to put on the sun block once yet, and I'm feeling just a tad cheated. but I'd much rather be here in the rain than anywhere working. 'Tis lush.

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