Sunday 22 February 2009

Last day

Well, that's it! I'm checked out of Wake Up! now, and am at Chez Rob et Becky, re-packing my bags, finding stuff to leave here for when I come back, (pretty much just my cool flip flops with the bottle openers in each foot.) and grabbing stuff I'll be taking away. Spent the last day just dossing really and chilling out getting stuff prepared and the like. Im not looking forward to the long Flight home, but I can't wait to come back out! I think I've put up the last pictures I'm going to put up, and this is probably the last you'll hear from me until I get bored in Singapore airport later. I'm sure there was much cool stuff I wanted to put up here, and maybe over the coming days I'll remember and add stuff! :)

Friday 20 February 2009

a few days off

Well I'd best post on here after 2 days off, and this morning recieving a text from mother saying "no blog posts, everything ok?" I loves my mum I does.
SO yeah, on wednesday, I was going to do the Coogee Beach to Bondi walk with Paul and Wake-up, but they cancelled it at 11 due to the weather, so they had a film on downstairs, called Marley and me with Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston, it was a pirate copy and wasn't a particularly good film, but had all the girls crying near the end. (I say near the end, as the copy they had didn't have an ending!) we then wandered back upstairs, to glorious sunshine, so paul, Jim the girl and cathal went down to Darling Harbour, where we had a nice burger, then Jim left and the rest of us wandered round the harbour, over to Hyde park, then along william street past the bentley, lambo ferarri and maserati garages) it was nice.
Yesterday the sun came out properly and we went to Bondi. then eventually trekked across to Coogee, hitting every beach on the way, I'm a bit pink, but seem to have avoided burnage. I will post more later but right now I'm off to book the next part of our trip next visit!

Monday 16 February 2009

Monday night madness

So yesterday and today has been a day of plotting our forward adventures. it's all coming along nicely, other than the fact there will be no ice hockey or basketball to see while we're in the US. LAst night we also went to see The Dark Knight at the largest Imax screen in the world. It was ace. We were joined by Paul from the Blue Mountains trip, and Chloe, the pseudo-posh speaking welsh girl who joined the 503 massive over the weekend, replacing Maxime the french chef who now has a job for 7 months. The Tamworth Twosome of Sam and Nicky we replaced by loud boys, (one of which I found out last night snores incredibly loudly, like, louder than dad! but they left this morning, as did Chloe. Sarah (number 2) went yesterday, but the Danish dude is still there as is the new English dude, who has unpacked his bag by spreading his stuff all around his bed like a tramp, but we can tell he's english due to his Wilson and Everlast socks. I wonder who will be there by the time I get back tonight!! It's all fun and games.
In other news, we had a whole 45 minutes of sun today, it made us all very giddy and wear flip flops and shorts without hoodys. Shocking! Hehe.

Send me love! lol

Saturday 14 February 2009

Oh Flip, I'm old!

Well, what do you do when you are in a foreign country on your birthday? So far, you go on facebook and upload a 100 odd pictures, contemplate how life is moving on, how you'd much rather be here than working, and think about doing some washing, all exciting stuff I can tell you.
Not much to update here, got the post wrong yesterday, I think was Caroline(?)'s birthday yesterday, had a good time in the flat, but bailed before the pub/club, was feeling too tired for that.
The room has two new occupants in, another Sarah, until tomorrow, who's a lovely lass from Enfield, and a dude from Denmark who's name I couldn't quite catch. lol. Jabba is what I heard, but surely not??

Friday 13 February 2009

More rain than you could shake a koala at.

Hello everyone out there! So yeah, yesterday was a fairly shrt notice trip out to the Blue (not like that) Mountains. So called because of the blue haze given off by the eucalpyus tress in the sun (or some sort of bumpf like that) I couldn't tell you if it was or not though, as it rained for a fair section of the day! So there was a lot fo cloud watching, but in the end it cleared at just the right times and we saw the falls and the three sisters, and the pics will be up on facebook imminently. Had a right old time, tour guide (a Londoner named Cactus?!) was very colourful and everything was "awesome," "amazing" or "I reckon that's pretty cool" we saw some Eastern Grey kangaroos up close, too. At the end of the day we checked in the YHA in Katoomba, Myself and Sarah from the room, and also two guys from the trip, Paul and the welsh wonder Dylan. We chilled out, and saw news highlights of the Germany Norway game on some german channel, then turned over and got an aussie news program, so we tried to hang on until the simpsons came on, caught the Aussie deal or no deal, which is totally naff, the woman totally knackered herself and got some Megaguess crap and walked off with $14000! how's that fair? then some old dude walked in and stuck his chair infront of dylan, who then proceeded to turn the channel over for the simpsons, the old git then decided he wanted to watch the news, so dylan turned back over for the headlines, then asked if he could turn it back to our program and the guy went off on one about how he had a right to watch the tele, which dylan then pointed out we had, Paul and I were trying not to giggle, especially when he said ok, we'll put it to a vote, and the old man declined because "I'm obviously gonna lose, there's more of you" no shit sherlock, welcome to democracy! we then decided screw it, and headed out for Pizza, we were then joined by Sarah and headed to a bar, via a swanky hotel with the same name as the bar we were aiming for. sank a few and came home to the hostel.
today was a total washout, we only went outside for lunch and the bus ride back to wake up. We watched memento, chatted about travel plans and life and stuff, and paul checked in at Wake Up! Sarah's leaving to travel the East coast tomorrow and in her place is a fat bird in the bunk opposite me, something needs to be done. lol well, off out in a bit down to Chez Rob and Becky, for Marie's birthday. could be fun, though the rain at the moment is ridiculous! seriously, I've nto had to put on the sun block once yet, and I'm feeling just a tad cheated. but I'd much rather be here in the rain than anywhere working. 'Tis lush.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Today the sun came out.

Yay! sunshine, and slightly red arms. All is well in the land of Oz!
Today was spent in the morning booking a trip to the Blue Mountains tomorrow (No, not blue like that) then going shopping for cd's for Uncle Steve, (still no sign and thats 4 stores including one which had basically everything else but!) then the sun finally came out, so back to the hotel for lunch and to grab some sunnies, caught Sarah in the room too, so we headed out to the park leaving a message for Jess join us. Spent some time chilling in Belmore Park, had lunch, shoo'd the birds, got very hot when the sun shone (my arms even got al ittle pink! not much though) then uptown to grab some chicken for dinner. we're all now fed and just checking the net for stuff. I'll get round to the emails on hotmail asap, (Em, Alana, you will get replies don't worry!) might get round to it shortly, if not I'm off to the blue mountains tomorrow, so won't be back 'til friday, then got someone else's birthday to go to, then whatever we get upto on sat for les birthday.
speaking of which, in other news, the Dutch and Irish guys left tday, and were replaced by one french chef...called Max. He seems ok. but he does talk french in his sleep. In other news, Rob was on Aussie tv (abc no less) for his work. Jess is looking for jobs, Max had an interview, and sarah had a nightmare. but it was very amusing for us watching ;)
I think the bar is calling now though, so laters y'all.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Day umm, something.

So after the post last night, we headed to side bar for a quick drink then I hit the room and met the other occupants, Dominic the German wholeft this morning. Mas, from Copenhagen. and Sarah from Canterbury (small bloody world, canterbury girl and kent weather!)
Today when I woke up there was just myself and Sarah around so we went for a wander round the dity as she's been here a bit longer and suggested a place for breakfast. Sadly it's raining like a motherbitch, which is annoying and kinda spoils any decent photos and stuff, but yeah today was kinda cool, did a fair bit of walking, got a Vodafone Aus sim too, so for le texting, hit +61406982706 as I'll barely use my 3 sim 'til I get back.
Just before leaving for Rob and Becky's tonight another person arrived in the room tonight, young lady called jo from Birmingham.
Dunno what I'm gonna do tomorrow, as I think Sarah's probably going swimming and Mas is off doing his thing. We shall see....

Monday 9 February 2009

Made it!

Yo! Well, here I am, writing on becky's laptop on the 35th floor of some apartment building, I don't know what day it is, what time it is, anything!
So, what do I have to catch up on?
Well, Singapore Terminal 3 is very cool, it's basically a transfer terminal so there's plenty of stuff to keep you occupied I found out just a little too late, a butterfly centre, koi carp pond, hard rock cafe, message shop, there was even a pub with the Arsenal Vs Tottenham game on.
I have noted, that the Singapore airlines uniforms seem incredibly tightly fitted to the tiny waisted stewardessess. I'm not complaining of course, I was just "how tight?"
Another plus was the onflight meal included a Toblerone!! (If you know me, Toblerone is right up up there on the scale of chocolate, which also involves fruit and nut, and mint crisp.) The downside was after catching a couple of hours sleep I woke up face to face with a barley legal chubby chinese girl, scared the crap out of me!
Anyways, I finally arrived in Sydney this afternoon, and headed to Wake Up! where I shall be staying, I'm in a dorm with what i can only assume to be 6 blokes juding by the mess, I've met Warren the token Irish, he seems quite funny, but I think his entire trip has been drinking and having sex. I managed to go grab a shower and make myself feel a bit better, then packed my suff away in a locker as Rob called. to say hi! lol
Since then I've been asleep, then Becky called and we went to Coles's supermarket and now I'm chillin in their living room...who knows what'll happen next!
(side note, I'm a little apprehensive about all my stuff in a room with people I don't know and having loads of time in the day without anyonw I know, but I think that's just the jet lag playing with my head.)

Sunday 8 February 2009


Well, I'm here, the A380's a lovely plane but it's media system couldn't handle a full load so Arron only got to watch most of a few films before they kept hanging, but it's ok, as I slept some of the way. I was really looking forward to Nick and Norah's infinite playlist aswell! Singapore Terminal 3 is ok, like a big holding pen full of weary travellers and properly posh shops. I've still got about 3 hours to kill so I may return shortly. I might try and find some food or even have a shower. :)

Saturday 7 February 2009


I'm in the departure lounge in Terminal 3 of's ok, I just bought a lovely pair of noise insulating denon headphones...on first trial they're awsome, bit quiet but so clear!
Just had a TGI cajun cream chicken pasta, was a bit dry and naff round the edges, but mostly good.
totally buzzin about what lays ahead, apart from the fact the flights are so long!!! catch you all later. :)

Friday 6 February 2009

To ease the confusion and set the scene

Hi everybody in blogland.
Tonight my erratic keyboard and I shall explain what the Elmer Fudd is going on.
Tomorrow I get on a plane (or big bird, to some of you) and fly all the way to Australia via a brief stop over in Singapore. Once there I've got nearly two weeks of stuff planned with the ginger one and ms Horan, including Arron and Rob's birthday spectacular on the Saturday. (Spectacularly drunk I expect.) Then I'm returung to the crazy land of Kent for 4 weeks (ish) pimping myself on street corners for chips, then back out to Sydney to join the onward leg of the tour!
The plan is head back out March 24th (Hence a farewell drink in the stone on the 21st) to Sydney before Melbourne, Ayres Rock, Cairns, Whitsunday Islands, Brisbane and Byron bay (Not neccessarily in that order) then back to sydney to fly to Fiji for 11 days, then over to the US and A! Landing in LA 6 hours before we left Nadi, (b*rd timezones!) we shall then head across the US wreaking havoc and generally acting like Brits abroad in some or other of the following locations, LA, San Francisco, Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago and New York. That's probably not where we'll go but that's a few of the names bandied about so far! So stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas!

Thursday 5 February 2009


Looks like I'm about to join the forces of Rob and Becky going around the world, so I'm testing the blog. Looks like it works!